May, 1st - the perfect opportunity for everyone to feel like a pro and race on the original race course of the elite. Don't miss out on that once in a life time experience!
Our exclusive jersey is now available via online registration. You can also order it conveniently via our DEE online store. You have the choice of either picking up the jersey at the event or receiving it by post.
DEE ShopFor all those who have registered by 30.03., there is the possibility to pick up the starting documents in advance:
From 17.04. to 29.04. at our partner Fahrrad DENFELD Radsport in Bad Homburg during regular opening hours.
NEW in 2025: On 30.04. you can pick up your bib number at the Opernplatz in Frankfurt between 11:00 and 19:00.
On 01.05. between 07:00 and 08:30 a.m. you can pick up your bib number at the event area in Eschborn (Attention! Plan enough time in the morning before the start!).
As a long-standing sponsor and timekeeper of the spring classic, the traditional Swiss watch brand Tissot will be taking part in the Eschborn-Frankfurt Radklassiker. An integral part of the ADAC Velotour: the battle for the title of Tissot Bergkönigin and Tissot Bergkönig among the most ambitious participants, which has made the challenging climb to the Großer Feldberg even more exciting since 2014. From year to year, new best times are set, which Tissot rewards with a special mountain classification jersey - red dotted for the men, pink dotted for the women - as well as a high-quality "Tissot T-Touch Connect Sport".
All those who take part in the ADAC Velotour Taunus Classic or ADAC Velotour Taunus Express amateur distances will take part in the special mountain classification: starting in Oberursel, the time required by each rider to complete the approximately eleven-kilometre route up to the Feldberg plateau will be determined.
In 2024, Marie Tertsch and Jakob Breinlinger were crowned QOM and KOM by Tissot.
More information
Are you already registered and want to change your distance, order the official Cycling Classic jersey or change your personal details? You can access your personal TimeTo account here.
The instructions explain everything in detail: Instruction TimeTo